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Site Of the Moment:
Baby Nolen's Journey

What began as a way to keep family and friends updated on my pregnancy has since morphed into life with little man. Join this first time mommy on this crazy journey called parenthood!

Rank Title and Description Rating In Out
1 Chronicles of an Overtired Mommy
NR 0 0
Tales from a sleep deprived mommy of three silly kids! Comments
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2 Measuring Flower
NR 0 0

A site for frugal moms who love their families! Discover how to coupon, tried and true recipes, well-rounded menu plans, cloth diapering, green living, honest reviews, awesome giveaways, and more creativity for everyday!
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3 Mom State of Mind
NR 0 0

Personal blog with reviews and giveaways and more!
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4 Lose weight now fast!
NR 0 0
Great ways, tips, and working methods to lose weight.
Diet programs and how to lose weight without starving.
All these great topics can be found at my site.
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5 Marvelous Mommy
10.00 0 0

Marvelous Mommy is a blog about my life as a stay at home mommy and wife. I blog about my mommy moments, recipes, reviews, giveaways, pregnancy, photography, and weight loss after baby!
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TLC Jewelry
Tomato Can Consulting

Rank Title and Description Rating In Out
6 Narragansett No. 7
NR 0 0
Slightly schizo and ranging from failures in motherhood to actually writing some stuff that doesn\\\\\\\'t totally stink. I\\\\\\\'m a former New York career girl who enjoyed a very bland career in the legal industry, met a guy, moved a bu Comments
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7 Cedar Hill Ranch
10.00 0 1
Cedar Hill Ranch is about Texas Living with a French accent. It’s about creating a relaxed lifestyle and home that is also graceful and beautiful, a place that embraces family and friends in a comfor Comments
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8 A Spicy Boy, A Cat, and My Fat Ass
NR 0 1

This is where I share my every day thoughts on my struggle to lose weight, my problems with PCOS, my anxiety disorder, and depression. I like to include poetry, video's, recipes, product reviews, giveaways and any information regarding the health problems
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9 Homemaker By Choice
NR 0 1

Homemaker By Choice journals the life of a wife and soon to be mother living in Norway with her husband. It encourages and equips daughters and wives in their biblical role of womanhood
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10 You Wanna Know What I Think?...
NR 0 0
One Mom's Opinion on Anything and Everything. Comments
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Rank Title and Description Rating In Out
11 Saveatunities
NR 0 0
"Saveatunities" a "saveatunity" is the opportunity to save something... anything... and everything. Money... time... a relationship... the environment... the world... your sanity. The possibilitie Comments
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12 Jennifer Toh
NR 0 0

Cute & sweet mommy
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13 Tina Gray {dot} Me
NR 0 1

Sometimes serious, most times not, Tina Gray {dot} Me offers an honest and down to earth insight into what goes on in one woman’s head while raising five children and one husband, trying to find her skinny self and sharing her opinion about….stuff.
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14 Kat's Adventure Book
10.00 0 0

As a working mother of one very active little boy, life throws us plenty of everyday adventures. From cloth diapering, quilting, crafting, book reviews, cooking, traveling and all the craziness in be
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15 Curious Cora
NR 0 0
I am a mom blogger who follows the life of my daughter. I review products and love giveaways! I also talk about womens issues, fashion, cooking, photography, etc. Comments
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